Plastics Management API
Technical Notes
- This API has the following required input parameters: the PAN and some card demographic details along with one address of type primary and one member with member number 01.
- This API allows the user may add account details to the card when adding a new card by setting the flag includeAccountDetails to true. If the flag is set to false, accounts will not be added even if the accounts are populated.
- This API can auto generate a pan in CONNEX by configuring the data the following way: provide a bin and leave the pan field blank.
- Note: All objects within the request which consist of a hostValue and description (or status and substatus in case of card status) expect only one of the fields to be populated.
- If hostValue is populated, it will be passed as-is to the database.
- If the description is populated, the API will instead send the correct backend code to the database.
Restriction: The following two values - IncludePrimaryMemberOnly and IncludeAccountDetails - only cannot both be set to true at the same time.
The CVV GET API provides functionality to retrieve CVV2/CVC2 for accounts when queried.
- For this endpoint, the Event Identifier is a CLIENT generated field that is sent back to the requestor. The EventIdentifier field is used to trace the request at the switch end for troubleshooting when issues are found. This is mandatory in the request to generate the Audit trace for the Switch to trace back to the requestor.
- Expiration Date Format is both YYYYMM or MMYYYY.
The Key Wrap is the key obtained by the customer using the Encryption API for the Base64 encoded value for their key, which the Client will use to decrypt the encrypted value when received from the API.
- The key wrap in the Encryption API is a pre-requisite step for this Connex CVV endpoint for Co-Op clients.
- You MUST send a wrappedkey for every Connex CVV Get call, and the Response will return an encrypted CVV code based on the Encryption API's key wrap endpoint.
- To decrypt the CVV code, you must use the following JAVA code:
static String decryptClaim(final String key, String claim) throws ParseException, JOSEException {
JWEObject jweObject = JWEObject.parse(claim);
byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes();
SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.length, "AES");
jweObject.decrypt(new AESDecrypter(secretKey));
return jweObject.getPayload().toString();
The dependency below also need to be added in the JAVA project in order to run the JAVA program:
Please refer to the Plastics and PIN Mailer Rush Codes Table for the parameter - rushMailingCode - for the following endpoints:
- /omaha/pin-mailer
- /omaha/card-issuance-detail.get
- /omaha/emboss-plastic
- /omaha/pending-emboss-orders.get
- Please refer to the Plastics and PIN Mailer Rush Codes Table for the parameter - rushPlasticCode.
- Please refer to the Valid U.S. and Canadian Province Codes in the Technical Notes wiki for the Demographics API for this endpoint's input parameter - State.
- Use this Request API before to GetInstantIssueDetails for EMV chip card instant issuance.
- Before calling this Request API, set the Plastic Count to zero (0) for new accounts in order to prevent shipping a card.
- This RequestInstantIssuance API will be set the Plastic Count for ordered EMV cards to 1, regardless of the current plastic count.
- Allow 2-3 processing days after the Instant Issue request is submitted.
Instant Issuance is used by Issuers to produce plastics for their cardholders.
This GetInstantIssueDetails API follows the RequestInstantIssuance API call for EMV chip card instant issuance, with a 1-2 minute delay before returning any EMV information. Limit the number of calls to this GetInstantIssueDetails API as each call is billable. Account details can only be retrieved once and cannot be retrieved again by the system once the request is marked.
For this endpoint, the Chip Record Format wiki describes details for the return parameter -
This endpoint is also used to enter special handling information when shipping cardholder plastics and plastics-related products when using an overnight courier service. This API is used by Card Issuance Unit (CIU) clients.
This API may be used by Single Entity and Separate Entity clients.
The “Record Not Found” error message is returned when no script history is found for the account number.
- This endpoint would retrieve an array of details for the selected or all available fields for the emv card.
- This is applicable for both single and separate entity cards.
- This endpoint would allow you to manually update the EMV chip row for the PI that has been created.
- Please note that the call should be submitted with presentationInstrumentReplacementSequenceNumber + 1 or you will get a "Record already exists" error message.
ChipTypeCode: from Instant Issue local configuration
- Set to a value of ‘ONO’ when Offline PIN and offline authorizations are not supported.
- Set to a value of ‘PIN’ when Offline PIN is a Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) supported by the chip. This queues a PIN Change script when a PIN change is made on the host system.
- Set to a value of ‘ONP’ when Offline PIN is not supported but offline authorizations are supported.